How to find the right size backpack

How to find the right size backpack

Just what DOES a good backpack look like? And how do I get one?

A good ergonomic backpack shouldn’t be hard to find. If you’re a parent, student or avid hiker and adventurer, you know the hunt for the best backpack can be a pain in the neck. After all, the best backpack is the one that fits YOUR body the best. REI Backpack hiker

Take a look at our expert friends over at REI who have been doing outdoor gear for over 79 years. They explain exactly what a good backpack should feel like and how to measure yourself to find the perfect pain free fit for you.

Also check out our link to Human Factors engineer and Industrial designer, Chris Adams’ page for tips on how to measure your kids to get the right backpack and back to school pain free.

Backpacks, sizing and fit

Sizing Guide for Children's Backpacks