Shelter in Place Order

Recently, Govenor Whitmer enacted an Executive Order of Shelter in Place for Michigan residents which went into effect on March 24, 2020. To answer many of your questions, under this Order, chiropractic IS considered essential critical care so our office WILL BE OPEN until further notice. Chiropractic care is needed to help keep patients from the dangers of going to emergency rooms because of pain or other serious issues, and/or away from dangerous opioids.

We are limiting the number of patients in the office at one time so appointment times are a bit more spread out, but no worries, we will fit you in. If you or someone in your family has had ANY symptoms such as cough, cold, flu, tiredness etc we ask that you DO NOT come in to the office - for the safety of staff and other patients.

If you are unsure about coming into the office PLEASE CALL. If we find it is not necessary to come into the office we may be able to offer advice over the phone and can prescribe exercises or alternative at home treatments.

All massage appointments are cancelled at this time and will not be available for re-booking until after such clearance is given by the state. Dolecki Chiropractic will continue to provide the highest quality chiropractic care to you and your family.